proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

Bluetooth BLE devices, Bluetooth MESH devices, Bluetooth Beacon devices, Sub-G devices, etc.

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i have tried the default settings earlier however the instances of command loss increases hence increased the transmission and step count this reduced the command losses by about 90% .

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Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

Or you can try to increase the step, so that the retransmission interval will be increased. However, it is not recommended that the interval be particularly large, as this will cause the delivery of the contract to take a long time and reduce the real-time performance.

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tkl_mesh_network_transmit_set(4, 1);
tkl_mesh_network_relay_retransmit_set(4, 1);

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Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

Hi is there a function , status flag , variable or method that would help determine if the device is in proxy mode

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Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

There is no such API to determine if the device is in proxy mode currently,however, you can use the tal_get_if_prov_success() to get the current pairing status and combine it with the gatt connection status to determine whether the device is currently in proxy mode.

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Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

And, I need to confirm again whether you want to know how to determine whether a device supports proxy or how to determine whether a device that supports proxy is currently working in proxy mode ?

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Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

i need to know how to determine whether a device that supports proxy is currently working in proxy mode ?

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Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

percy(unwired) 2024年 Jun 4日 14:15

i need to know how to determine whether a device that supports proxy is currently working in proxy mode ?

You can use the following API to get whether the proxy feature is enabled on the device. The proxy feature is enabled by default in the SDK.

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Currently, there is no APIto determine whether the device is working in proxy mode. We may consider adding this interface later. Currently, you can use the device's provision status and connection status. If the device has been provisioned and connected by the mobile phone, the device is now working in proxy mode.

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tal_get_if_prov_success();//  use this api get device if be provisioned

Refer to the ble event callback in app_common to get the connection status of the device.

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VOID app_ble_data_recv(TAL_BLE_EVT_PARAMS_T *p_event){
    switch(p_event->type) {
            tal_main_debug("BLE connect");
            tal_main_debug("BLE disconnect reason:%x", p_event->ble_event.disconnect.reason);

Talk is cheap, show me the code.
Posts: 18

Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8


I am using functions from math.h exp and roundf . I have included math.h in app_common.c however i keep getting the error
undefined reference to `exp'
undefined reference to 'roundf'

how do i fix this and include math.h during build

Posts: 100

Re: proxy to mesh failed error - TLSR825x SDK ver 3.8

The TLSR825x compiler does not support the standard library, and the telink non-standard library does not provide math-related functions. The chip manufacturer recommends implementing the required math functions yourself. We are also consulting chip manufacturers to see if they have any recommended third-party algorithm libraries.

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