Fault Manage mobile MicroApp

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Posts: 3


My company is working on making our SaaS available on Smart Industry native app. On desktop, we can use the Fault Manage MicroApp, how can I do to make it visible on mobile? Do we need to develop from scratch?

Posts: 17

Re: Fault Manage mobile MicroApp

MicroApp are distinguished by the type of platform they run on, which can be either DESKTOP or MOBILE. The platform type is specified in the MicroApp's description file: manifest.json, using the supportedPlatform field. Therefore, if you expect the fault management MicroApp to be available both in the web-based SaaS and on Smart Industry App, you need to develop and publish two separate MicroApp. Then, in the SaaS control panel's MicroApp configuration, find and enable the corresponding MicroApp for each platform.

manifest.json specification


Posts: 3

Re: Fault Manage mobile MicroApp

Ok. Thank you very much for your reply.

I imagine that, in that case, I would have to get (using the API request) the data for the signed user (/open-api/v1.0/current/user) -> the projects under that user -> the devices under that project -> the feedback tickets for each of those devices (/open-api/v1.0/iot-01/ticket/feedbacks?productId={product_id}&pageSIze=50&pageNo=1). Is that correct?

Posts: 17

Re: Fault Manage mobile MicroApp

If you develop a MicroApp, you'll need to have your own server-side application (such as a Java application) to provide interfaces for the front-end MicroApp. The data you want should be obtained and processed by this Java application. If the required data comes from the Tuya platform, you can use cloud-to-cloud integration within your Java application to call the OpenAPI to obtain relevant data, not recommende to finding and using interfaces thoes not developed by youself within the current SaaS application. You can refer to the Tuya platform's open interfaces at: https://developer.tuya.com/cn/docs/cloud.

Currently, the platform does not provide an OpenAPI related to faults. So, if possible, you can contact the supplier of your SaaS application to inquire about how the relevant functionality can be made available on the Smart Industry APP.

Posts: 3

Re: Fault Manage mobile MicroApp

Ok, I see. Thank you.

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