SmartLife devices binding with Tuya OAuth

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Posts: 3

Please help finding explanation of building Smart Life application binding to the Cloud Project.
How to build OAuth integration to provide access to my devices for third-party web application same way as IFTTT or SmartThings?


Couldn't find API references at official docs to set up binding method like this.

Posts: 25

Re: SmartLife devices binding with Tuya OAuth

You can take a look at this newly opened function. After authorizing the device to the project, you can control the device through the interface: ... yz44dz6a7r. The relevant interface is as follows: ... hfzvkrkkm3

Posts: 3

Re: SmartLife devices binding with Tuya OAuth

Thank you for reply. Yes. I've tried this method. I do not quiet understand how to set up Authorization Key for App Authorization for major apps such as SmartLife and TuyaSmart.

When I apply to set up App Authorization I had provided SHA1 & Application ID for SmartLife. But eventually I did not get SmartLife as Select App option on Get access to device data form
Form page address ... .online%2F

What did I do wrong. Please help to set up Authorization for major apps.

Posts: 25

Re: SmartLife devices binding with Tuya OAuth

This feature is not open to "SmartLife" and "TuyaSmart" configurations by default. Please send me your information through "Private messages" and I will submit it to the business for review to see if it can be opened for you. The submitted information includes: Are you an enterprise developer (company name required) or an individual developer? What is your usage scenario?

Posts: 3

Re: SmartLife devices binding with Tuya OAuth

Thank you for reply.

Done! I've sent you private message with details.

Posts: 1

Re: SmartLife devices binding with Tuya OAuth

I came across this topic while trying to figure out the Oauth 2.0 flow you provide. We are evaluating whether the Tuya platform suits our needs for integration with our own app and cloud.

Authorization with TuyaSmart and SmartLife accounts would be needed to allow reading energy usage from their devices when they want us to, but adding your apps to the list of available apps on the Oauth screen seemed impossible. Is there a more official channel for this, or should I also send you a PM, panda-cat?

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