请问一下,使用TLSR825X系列mesh SDK,如何配置可以实现多核编译。默认的编译太慢了?谢谢
【已解决】TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
- Posts: 46
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Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译

- Posts: 46
Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
- Posts: 48
Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
编辑 .ide_tool/components/my_ide/my_ide_gcc.py
在 # .s to .o 之后加一个延时:
Code: Select all
def tbuild(self):
# c to .o
for c_file in self.src['c_files']:
print("[cc] %s"%(c_file))
# .s to .o
for s_file in self.src['s_files']:
print("[cc] %s"%(s_file))
time.sleep(2); #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------ 这个是延时2S,因为上面编译.c,.s都是非阻塞并行的,如果不加延时,可能没编译好,就进行链接了,导致链接不成功(这个2S根据您自己的机器,做调整)
在 def __compile(self,kind,file,out_path,evn):
中的 my_exe_simple(cmd,0,evn,self.var_map) 第二参数改为 0 ,表示非阻塞编译 .c,.s

- Posts: 48
- Posts: 46
Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
beautifulzzzz 2022年 Sep 21日 11:08有个临时的方法,可以试一试:
编辑 .ide_tool/components/my_ide/my_ide_gcc.py在 # .s to .o 之后加一个延时:
Code: Select all
def tbuild(self): ... # c to .o for c_file in self.src['c_files']: self.__compile('.c',c_file,log_path,evn) print("[cc] %s"%(c_file))
# .s to .o for s_file in self.src['s_files']: self.__compile('.s',s_file,log_path,evn) print("[cc] %s"%(s_file)) time.sleep(2); #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------ 这个是延时2S,因为上面编译.c,.s都是非阻塞并行的,如果不加延时,可能没编译好,就进行链接了,导致链接不成功(这个2S根据您自己的机器,做调整)
在 def __compile(self,kind,file,out_path,evn):
中的 my_exe_simple(cmd,0,evn,self.var_map) 第二参数改为 0 ,表示非阻塞编译 .c,.s
Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
- 在my_ide_gcc.py文件的my_ide_gcc类中增加def if_need_rebuild函数,并按照下面代码修改__compile函数
Code: Select all
def if_need_rebuild(self,dep_file): with open(dep_file,"r") as f: list_line1 = f.readline().split(' ') if(list_line1[1] != '\\\n'): try: if(os.path.getmtime(list_line1[1]) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: return True for line in f.readlines(): line = line.lstrip() line = line.strip('\n') list_n = line.split(' ') for file in list_n: if(file == '\\'): break try: if(os.path.getmtime(file) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: print("file not exit") return True return False def __compile(self,kind,file,out_path,evn): cc = self.cmd['gcc']['cc'] asm = self.cmd['gcc']['asm'] c_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['c_flags'] c_macros = self.cmd['gcc']['c_macros'] s_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['s_flags'] o_file = out_path+'/'+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]+'.o' d_file = o_file+'.d' if kind == '.c': gcc_h_file = out_path+'/'+'gcc_h.txt' Note=open(gcc_h_file,mode='w') Note.write(self.src['h_dir_str']) Note.close() if((os.path.exists(d_file) == True) and (self.if_need_rebuild(d_file) == False)): return o_file if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s @%s -c %s -o %s %s -MMD -MF %s"%(cc,c_flags,gcc_h_file,file,o_file,c_macros, d_file) elif kind == '.s': if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s -c %s -o %s"%(asm,s_flags,file,o_file) my_exe_simple(cmd,1,evn,self.var_map) return o_file
- 按照下面代码修改my_ide_base.py中的tmake函数
Code: Select all
def tmake(self,offset='.'): print('\nMAKE') print('> clean .log \n> copy json_file to .log') # my_file_clear_folder(self.__log_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.__log_path): for name in files: if name.endswith(".bin"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
- 重新编译,第一次会全量编译,后面就会增量编译了。
- 按照下面代码修改my_ide_base.py中的tmake函数
- Posts: 46
Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
preacher 2022年 Sep 21日 14:07可以参照下面修改下my_ide_gcc.py和my_ide_base.py脚本,可以实现增量编译
- 在my_ide_gcc.py文件的my_ide_gcc类中增加def if_need_rebuild函数,并按照下面代码修改__compile函数
Code: Select all
def if_need_rebuild(self,dep_file): with open(dep_file,"r") as f: list_line1 = f.readline().split(' ') if(list_line1[1] != '\\\n'): try: if(os.path.getmtime(list_line1[1]) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: return True for line in f.readlines(): line = line.lstrip() line = line.strip('\n') list_n = line.split(' ') for file in list_n: if(file == '\\'): break try: if(os.path.getmtime(file) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: print("file not exit") return True return False def __compile(self,kind,file,out_path,evn): cc = self.cmd['gcc']['cc'] asm = self.cmd['gcc']['asm'] c_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['c_flags'] c_macros = self.cmd['gcc']['c_macros'] s_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['s_flags'] o_file = out_path+'/'+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]+'.o' d_file = o_file+'.d' if kind == '.c': gcc_h_file = out_path+'/'+'gcc_h.txt' Note=open(gcc_h_file,mode='w') Note.write(self.src['h_dir_str']) Note.close() if((os.path.exists(d_file) == True) and (self.if_need_rebuild(d_file) == False)): return o_file if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s @%s -c %s -o %s %s -MMD -MF %s"%(cc,c_flags,gcc_h_file,file,o_file,c_macros, d_file) elif kind == '.s': if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s -c %s -o %s"%(asm,s_flags,file,o_file) my_exe_simple(cmd,1,evn,self.var_map) return o_file
- 按照下面代码修改my_ide_base.py中的tmake函数
Code: Select all
def tmake(self,offset='.'): print('\nMAKE') print('> clean .log \n> copy json_file to .log') # my_file_clear_folder(self.__log_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.__log_path): for name in files: if name.endswith(".bin"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
- 重新编译,第一次会全量编译,后面就会增量编译了。
- Posts: 46
Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
preacher 2022年 Sep 21日 14:07可以参照下面修改下my_ide_gcc.py和my_ide_base.py脚本,可以实现增量编译
- 在my_ide_gcc.py文件的my_ide_gcc类中增加def if_need_rebuild函数,并按照下面代码修改__compile函数
Code: Select all
def if_need_rebuild(self,dep_file): with open(dep_file,"r") as f: list_line1 = f.readline().split(' ') if(list_line1[1] != '\\\n'): try: if(os.path.getmtime(list_line1[1]) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: return True for line in f.readlines(): line = line.lstrip() line = line.strip('\n') list_n = line.split(' ') for file in list_n: if(file == '\\'): break try: if(os.path.getmtime(file) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: print("file not exit") return True return False def __compile(self,kind,file,out_path,evn): cc = self.cmd['gcc']['cc'] asm = self.cmd['gcc']['asm'] c_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['c_flags'] c_macros = self.cmd['gcc']['c_macros'] s_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['s_flags'] o_file = out_path+'/'+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]+'.o' d_file = o_file+'.d' if kind == '.c': gcc_h_file = out_path+'/'+'gcc_h.txt' Note=open(gcc_h_file,mode='w') Note.write(self.src['h_dir_str']) Note.close() if((os.path.exists(d_file) == True) and (self.if_need_rebuild(d_file) == False)): return o_file if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s @%s -c %s -o %s %s -MMD -MF %s"%(cc,c_flags,gcc_h_file,file,o_file,c_macros, d_file) elif kind == '.s': if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s -c %s -o %s"%(asm,s_flags,file,o_file) my_exe_simple(cmd,1,evn,self.var_map) return o_file
- 按照下面代码修改my_ide_base.py中的tmake函数
Code: Select all
def tmake(self,offset='.'): print('\nMAKE') print('> clean .log \n> copy json_file to .log') # my_file_clear_folder(self.__log_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.__log_path): for name in files: if name.endswith(".bin"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
- 重新编译,第一次会全量编译,后面就会增量编译了。
def tmake(self,offset='.'):
print('> clean .log \n> copy json_file to .log')
Code: Select all
# my_file_clear_folder(self.__log_path)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.__log_path):
for name in files:
if name.endswith(".bin"):
os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
self.json_file = self.__log_path+'/'+os.path.basename(self.json_file)
with open(self.json_file,'r') as load_f:
load_dict = json.load(load_f)
print('#1. fill the output dict')
tool = load_dict['tool'][self.ide_kind]
self.output = load_dict['output']
print('#2. fill the cmd dict')
self.cmd = {**tool['toolchain'], **tool['cmd']}
print('#3. fill flash cmd dict')
self.flash['bin_path'] = my_file_get_abs_path_and_formart(tool['flash']['bin_path'])
self.flash['flash_user_cmd'] = tool['flash']['flash_user_cmd']
self.flash['flash_all_cmd'] = tool['flash']['flash_all_cmd']
print('#4. fill the src dict')
# h_dirs list change to string
for h_dir in self.src['h_dirs']:
self.src['h_dir_str'] += (' -I'+h_dir)
# get l_dirs and change to string
# l_files change to string
l_dirs = []
for l_file in self.src['l_files']:
self.src['l_files_str'] += (' -l'+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l_file))[0][3:])
l_dir = os.path.dirname(l_file)
if l_dir not in l_dirs:
self.src['l_dirs_str'] += (' -L'+l_dir)
print('#5. get var map')
- Posts: 48
Re: TLSR825X系列mesh SDK多核编译
rockjablew 2022年 Sep 21日 17:48preacher 2022年 Sep 21日 14:07可以参照下面修改下my_ide_gcc.py和my_ide_base.py脚本,可以实现增量编译
- 在my_ide_gcc.py文件的my_ide_gcc类中增加def if_need_rebuild函数,并按照下面代码修改__compile函数
Code: Select all
def if_need_rebuild(self,dep_file): with open(dep_file,"r") as f: list_line1 = f.readline().split(' ') if(list_line1[1] != '\\\n'): try: if(os.path.getmtime(list_line1[1]) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: return True for line in f.readlines(): line = line.lstrip() line = line.strip('\n') list_n = line.split(' ') for file in list_n: if(file == '\\'): break try: if(os.path.getmtime(file) > os.path.getmtime(dep_file)): return True except: print("file not exit") return True return False def __compile(self,kind,file,out_path,evn): cc = self.cmd['gcc']['cc'] asm = self.cmd['gcc']['asm'] c_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['c_flags'] c_macros = self.cmd['gcc']['c_macros'] s_flags = self.cmd['gcc']['s_flags'] o_file = out_path+'/'+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]+'.o' d_file = o_file+'.d' if kind == '.c': gcc_h_file = out_path+'/'+'gcc_h.txt' Note=open(gcc_h_file,mode='w') Note.write(self.src['h_dir_str']) Note.close() if((os.path.exists(d_file) == True) and (self.if_need_rebuild(d_file) == False)): return o_file if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s @%s -c %s -o %s %s -MMD -MF %s"%(cc,c_flags,gcc_h_file,file,o_file,c_macros, d_file) elif kind == '.s': if (os.path.exists(o_file)): my_file_rm_file(o_file) cmd = "%s %s -c %s -o %s"%(asm,s_flags,file,o_file) my_exe_simple(cmd,1,evn,self.var_map) return o_file
- 按照下面代码修改my_ide_base.py中的tmake函数
Code: Select all
def tmake(self,offset='.'): print('\nMAKE') print('> clean .log \n> copy json_file to .log') # my_file_clear_folder(self.__log_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.__log_path): for name in files: if name.endswith(".bin"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
- 重新编译,第一次会全量编译,后面就会增量编译了。
def tmake(self,offset='.'):
print('> clean .log \n> copy json_file to .log')Code: Select all
# my_file_clear_folder(self.__log_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.__log_path): for name in files: if name.endswith(".bin"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) my_file_copy_files_to([self.json_file],self.__log_path) self.json_file = self.__log_path+'/'+os.path.basename(self.json_file) my_file_str_replace(self.json_file,'$PROJECT_ROOT',offset)#PROJECT_PATH with open(self.json_file,'r') as load_f: load_dict = json.load(load_f) print('#1. fill the output dict') tool = load_dict['tool'][self.ide_kind] self.output = load_dict['output'] self.output['sdk'].update({'components':load_dict['components']}) self.output['fw'].update({'output':tool['output']}) print('#2. fill the cmd dict') self.cmd = {**tool['toolchain'], **tool['cmd']} print('#3. fill flash cmd dict') self.flash['bin_path'] = my_file_get_abs_path_and_formart(tool['flash']['bin_path']) self.flash['flash_user_cmd'] = tool['flash']['flash_user_cmd'] self.flash['flash_all_cmd'] = tool['flash']['flash_all_cmd'] print('#4. fill the src dict') self.__json_deep_search(load_dict) # h_dirs list change to string for h_dir in self.src['h_dirs']: self.src['h_dir_str'] += (' -I'+h_dir) # get l_dirs and change to string # l_files change to string l_dirs = [] for l_file in self.src['l_files']: self.src['l_files_str'] += (' -l'+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l_file))[0][3:]) l_dir = os.path.dirname(l_file) if l_dir not in l_dirs: l_dirs.append(l_dir) self.src['l_dirs_str'] += (' -L'+l_dir) print('#5. get var map') self.__get_variable_map()
到时候您只要删除.ide_tool,然后编译时 vscode会自动拉取,就能体验最新的功能了