control Tuya devices with esp via locale IP?

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Posts: 1


I can easily control Tuya devices via the local IP using node-red (with local ip, id, key). I would like to control these Tuya devices with esp32 or esp8266 via the locale IP, is that possible? Does anyone have a simple example code?


Posts: 543

Re: control Tuya devices with esp via locale IP?


Regarding the ESP8266, we have many products developed based on the 8266 chip, but we no longer support that chip currently. As for the ESP32 series chips, our Tuya Wind IDE provides the TuyaOS development framework for ESP32. You can apply, download, and experience the quickstart, and control the device using the local IP/ID/key (note that we have enhanced security, generating a new session key with each local IP connection).

Posts: 1

Re: control Tuya devices with esp via locale IP?

I am trying this but can not find ESP32 as Dec platform, when runing the project wizard
I have chosen Dev mode = TUYA OS
type dev kit = networked product Development/Wifi device
And under Dev platform i have wireless SOC and after that, nothing related to ESP32

My tuya ide version is 2.11.26

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