Discovery and pairing of Third Party devices using Link SDK

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Posts: 2

I have an existing 3rd party device running linux. I need to be able to discover it with TuyaSmart.

Tuya's online docs seem to indicate the Link SDK is appropriate for this situation. On this page,, developers are encouraged to 'Download TuyaOS Link SDK in GitHub.' There is no link provided. Where do I obtain the Link SDK?

I am able to connect it to the Tuya MQTT server using the example code, but that SDK also appears to lack support for device discovery.

Posts: 473

Re: Discovery and pairing of Third Party devices using Link SDK


LinkSDK (now also known as "tuya connect kit") supports pairing third-party devices according QR code scanning or Bluetooth discovery. Please refer to: ... embedded-c for more information, we provide some examples to show how it works.

BTW: We will release a new version of the "tuya connect kit" at the end of August. This version will support more pairig and control options.

Posts: 2

Re: Discovery and pairing of Third Party devices using Link SDK

My device has only WiFi, so I need a discovery option that does not require BT or QR code.

I've been monitoring github for updates, but the last commit to ... embedded-c was July 7, 2023. Do you have an revised schedule for additional discovery options?

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