Get temperature and humidity

Discussing technical aspects of Yun development products, including IoT Core and other cloud service APIs, data analysis products, etc.

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Posts: 1

I have a Tuya WiFi temperature and humidity sensor.

What API can I use retrieve the temperature and humidity?

I can get device properties with
GET /v1.1/iot-03/devices/{deviceid}
Which returns:

Code: Select all

{'result': {'active_time': 1739532554,
            'category': 'tdq',
            'category_name': 'Breaker',
            'create_time': 1739532554,
            'gateway_id': '',
            'icon': 'smart/icon/ay1573546958261faWcj/1925c7da8ff2ac474e0af51991a6f24c.png',
            'id': '...',
            'ip': '103...',
            'lat': '...',
            'local_key': '...',
            'lon': '...',
            'model': '',
            'name': 'Temperature & Humidity',
            'online': True,
            'owner_id': '...',
            'product_id': 'x3o8epevyeo3z3oa',
            'product_name': 'T & H Sensor',
            'sub': False,
            'time_zone': '+11:00',
            'update_time': 1741400041,
            'uuid': '...'},111
 'success': True,
 't': 1741409985478,
 'tid': '...'}
Posts: 56

Re: Get temperature and humidity

You can refer to "message queue" to receive message reports from sensors. ... qerli65a1u

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