Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

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Posts: 14


First of all, I have 2 Zigbee Gateway,
1 TYGWZ-02, a very old model Tuya ZigBee gateway with Ethernet.
1 Zemismart M6 Zigbee Matter gateway.

My TYGWZ-02 is able to pair to SonOff Smart Socket S26ZB and use it without issue. However this gate is unable to pair to most of the newest model of Smart Scene Button of Tuya.

However the latest model Zemismart M6 Zigbee gateway is able to pair to everything under Tuya, except this SonOff Smart Socket S26ZB

is it possible to add support of this sonoff model? it might a shame that older model Tuya gateway is able to do something that latest model Tuya gateway can't

Posts: 4

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

could you please provide the network logs for SonOff Smart Socket S26ZB pair to Zemismart M6 Zigbee Matter gateway. This can help me locate the cause.

Posts: 4

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

fangyuan 2024年 Nov 21日 14:51

could you please provide the network logs for SonOff Smart Socket S26ZB pair to Zemismart M6 Zigbee Matter gateway. This can help me locate the cause.

Please provide the SDK versions of the gateway and SonOff Smart Socket S26ZB.

Posts: 14

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

hi fangyuan,

Thanks for responding!
However I am not too sure how can I get SDK version. I am not developer of SonOff, also I did not develop any app in Tuya IOT. if HomeAssistant (HACS local-tuya) auto detect, should I give you protocol version?

SonOff S26ZB
protocol version : 3.2 (I believe it is following my old gateway?)

Old gateway
protocol version : 3.2

Zemismart M6 Gateway
protcol version : 3.5

I will provide the log after some days, as I have to keep the socket connected for the moment ;)

Posts: 14

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

how do I get network log if I dont have permission?

anyway, I tried pair again from 18:32 GMT+8 and ended around 18:34, I have reset the plug properly and set into pairing mode. (I know how to pair, I have older model gateway already paired it :) )

Screenshot 2024-11-22 183709.png
Posts: 4

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

Thanks for the information you provided. I will try to search for the logs.
First, please Operate it again(SonOff Smart Socket S26ZB pair to Zemismart M6 Zigbee Matter gateway)(Provide specific time for operation) .
I need some information as follows:
1> Virtual device ID of Zemismart M6 Zigbee Matter gateway.

2> Virtual device ID of SonOff Smart Socket S26ZB.(It can be Viewed,when the device is paired in TYGWZ-02 gateway.)
(like this)


3>Please keep the Zemismart gateway online. Because I can only access the logs when the device is online.

Posts: 14

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

Zemismart M6 ZigBee Gateway : eb105f9bf316c8a566ysx1

SonOff S26ZB Socket : ebe0d680510ddda1c6ih6l

time to pair from Zemismart M6 :
based on above screenshot
(timezone +8:00)
2024-11-22 18:32 to 2024-11-22 18:36

time to pair from TYGWZ-02 :
2024-11-22 18:33 to 2024-11-22 18:40

Posts: 4

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug

The problem has been identified. We will support this type of device maybe in the next version. You can pay attention to Zemismart company's subsequent version release information for the specific update time and progress.

Posts: 14

Re: Support SonOff Zigbee smart plug


Thanks so much on taking action on this! it will solve a large gap of my local scene challenge!

may I know if the update is global Tuya ZigBee module or only special fix for Zemismart M6 hub?

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