[Share] Introduction to the Device and Scene Hide/Show Feature in TuyaOS Central Control

Gateway equipment, voice control devices, etc.

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Posts: 112

1. Basic Introduction
Tuya Central Control can manage devices and scenes in the home uniformly. The Central Control SDK can also hide devices and scenes, as well as restore them after hiding; additionally, the hidden status is consistent with the hide/show status of the central control panel in the app.


2. Usage Process
Based on the TuyaOS Central Control SDK, you can use the interface tuya_dev_display_list_get_all to obtain the current list of devices to be displayed and the list of devices to be hidden. Through tuya_dev_display_list_modify, you can inform the cloud of the list of devices to be hidden and the list of devices to be displayed.
For scenes, use the interface tuya_scene_all_info_list_get to obtain the current list of scenes to be displayed and the list of scenes to be hidden. Through tuya_scene_display_list_modify, you can inform the cloud of the list of scenes to be hidden and the list of scenes to be displayed.

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