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Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 12日 21:23
by Romeo

Hi All,

I plan to sell Tuya Alarm.

When the alarm rings, I'd like to call an url (to do some stuffs)

Is is possible ?

Can I add a task "Call personal url" ?

Thank you

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 15日 09:34
by JamesG

Sorry, this function is not supported in app development

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 15日 13:22
by Romeo

Thank you.

Is it possible to create a cloud project and call a url when the alarm rings ?

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 15日 13:43
by JamesG

Yes, you can create a cloud project, associate it with your device or app, and then subscribe to device-reported messages to trigger actions.
However, this can only be done on the cloud service system where you receive the device messages and cannot be configured within the app.

Reference for Message Subscription: ... zu0nzdw9cd

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 15日 20:33
by Romeo

Thank you

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 15日 20:45
by Romeo

Last question :

I have a french mobile application with a lot of users. It's a kind of neighboors application.

My goal is to sell alarm that sends push notification to my own application and not to the message center of Tuya application.

The idea was to make an http request to my server. Then I'll be able to manage my own push notifications.

With the cloud tuya project, do I have to connect the alarm of all my clients ?

Do you have an idea of how I can resolve my issue ?

Thank you very much

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 16日 04:57
by jmregida

I tried this code: ... 0klj9qbv3l

With both Java and NodeJS and it gives me an Unauthorized error. Why is that? I am pretty sure my Access Key and Access Secret are exactly what is shown from the Cloud Project inside the Developer Platform. Can I get an assist please?

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 16日 09:40
by panda-cat

Please confirm whether the project message subscription has been turned on and the message rule configuration has been completed. In addition, the corresponding test equipment needs to be associated. If the subscription still cannot be normal after confirmation, please send me the project number through "Private Message" for review. ... 0klj9qbv3l

Re: Call Personal URL

Posted: 2024年 Jul 16日 14:09
by jmregida

I have done these things. I have sent you the project identifier for review. Thanks!