How does the online status change for BLE+X pluggable devices?

Bluetooth BLE devices, Bluetooth MESH devices, Bluetooth Beacon devices, Sub-G devices, etc.

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First, we need to clarify the type of pluggable module. Tuya currently supports the following three types: 1. NB module 2. Wi-Fi module 3. Cat.1 module. All three types of devices are activated by first activating the BLE Bluetooth module. During the activation and initialization, the default online status of the device is offline. The module is only activated when it is plugged into the slot. Once the module is successfully activated, for example, the NB module will connect to the carrier, and then report the device's online status through the NB gateway. Wi-Fi and Cat.1 modules connect to the MQTT server, which will report the device's online status. At this point, the cloud will set the device as online. When the module is unplugged, the NB device will update its offline status according to its heartbeat cycle time. Wi-Fi and Cat.1 module devices will no longer maintain a heartbeat with the MQTT service after being unplugged. After 2.5 heartbeat cycles, the MQTT service will disconnect from the device, and the cloud will set the device as offline.

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