I want to allow users to use a washing machine for 30 minutesby making a payment. I have the relay installed and working with a 30 minute countdown and I can actuate it with the tuya app, so the electrical part is done. I see that there is a Stripe integration and that might work but I don't want to reinvent something that someone has already done. I would like to have a simple qr code that a user can follow with their phone, make a payment, and that will tell Tuya to activate a switch.
Does a solution for this already exist? It doesn't have to be Stripe for the payment - in fact Zelle is preferred but any trusted payment method will work.
I also would like to develop a simple app for a similar rental equipment program - I am not a programmer and would need a pretty good framework to start with or hire a developer. Any referrals? I am in the US.
Thanks in advance!
(note posted in Chinese forum as well - not sure where to post this)