Totally newbie, first questions

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Hi guys, I am a new member on Tuya worls and I have some questions due I am a totally newbie about this.
I have Tuya Battery- Powered Smart Thermostat.

I am supporting some friends for their graduation thesis (I apologize, I don't know correct name in english).
We already made a simple system using custom ESP32 and Raspberry boards: one board controls boiler on/off using remote (wifi) sensor based on ESP32 board, on remote board we see current temperature and set temperature.

Now we would replace our ESP32 board with Tuya device.
Our questions:
1) is there available SDK to customize Tuya device behaviour?
2) can Tuya module work offline? On supplier website I read:

If the WiFi connection fails and the WiFi module cannot connect to the cloud within 30 seconds during network distribution (WiFi connection successful, but unable to connect to the cloud), a reset signal will be generated and sent to the MCU end, causing the MCU to reset.

So if no internet connection available will Tuya device continously reset? Can I change this through SDK?


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