【Zigbee】概念介绍: endpoint、cluster、atttibute、command

Zigbee 子设备开发

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Cluster: A cluster is a specification defining one or more attributes, commands, behaviors and dependencies,that supports an independent utility or application function. The term may also be used for an implementation or instance of such a specification on an endpoint.

​ 集群:某一功能点的集合,每个Cluster 包含Attribute,Command。

Attribute: A data entity which represents a physical quantity or state. This data is communicated to other devices using commands.

​ 属性:可以保存设备的状态,比如开关状态值(On/Off)、灯的状态值(On/Off)。

Client: A cluster interface which is listed in the output cluster list of the simple descriptor on an endpoint. Typically this interface sends commands that manipulate the attributes on the corresponding server cluster. A client cluster communicates with a corresponding remote server cluster with the same cluster identifier.

​ 客户端:客户端角色的设备通常可以是网关(协调器)、遥控器(控制灯具)


​ 网关可以通过下发on/off命令给子设备(开关),设备收到on/off命令之后,可以进行开灯/关灯操作。

Server: A cluster interface which is listed in the input cluster list of the simple descriptor on an endpoint. Typically, this interface supports all or most of the attributes of the cluster. A server cluster communicates with a corresponding remote client cluster with the same cluster identifier.

​ 服务端:服务端角色的设备通常可以是一些被控设备,例:零火开关、插座

Zigbee Coordinator: An IEEE 802.15.4-2003 PAN coordinator.

​ Zigbee 协调器: 每个Zigbee网络只允许有一个Zigbee的协调器,协调器会选择一个信道和网络标识(PAN ID),然后开始这个网络。协调器具有网络的最高权限,是整个网络的维护者,还可以保持间接寻址用的表格绑定,同时还可以设计安全中心和执行其他动作,保持网络其他设备的通信。

​ PAN 协调器(例:网关)

Zigbee End Device: An IEEE 802.15.4-2003 RFD or FFD participating in a Zigbee network, which is neither the Zigbee coordinator nor a Zigbee router.

​ Zigbee 终端设备:既不是 Zigbee 协调器也不是 Zigbee 路由器,低功耗设备(例:门磁),没有路由功能,不具备转发其他节点消息能力。

Zigbee Router: An IEEE 802.15.4-2003 FFD participating in a Zigbee network, which is not the Zigbee coordinator but may act as an IEEE 802.15.4-2003 coordinator within its personal operating space, that is capable of routing messages between devices and supporting associations.

​ Zigbee 路由器:强电设备(例:零火开关),具有路由功能,支持消息的转发功能。

endpoint :端点是协议栈应用层的入口地址,应用对象存在的地方,为实现一个设备描述而定义的一组群集。每个Zigbee设备可以最多支持240这样的端点,端口0用于整个Zigbee设备的配置和管理。附属在端点0的对象被称为Zigbee设备对象(ZDO)。端点255用于向所有端点的广播,端点241254是保留端点。

​ 3路开关设备,一般对应3个endpoint,例:endpoint 1代码第一路开关,endpoint 2代码第二路开关,endpoint 3代码第三路开关,网关给第一路开关下发开灯命令,实际通过3路开关的endpoint 1下的on/off cluster 的on 命令,给到设备,设备收到命令之后进行硬件操作。

zigbee cluster attribute和command关系

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