wifi states

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Posts: 2

hey in tuya i want tu see this data how can i see this data in protocol. c file and how can i print this data

  • @brief Get the WIFI status result
  • @param[in] {result} Wifi working state
  • @ref 0x00: wifi status 1 smartconfig configuration status
  • @ref 0x01: wifi status 2 AP configuration status
  • @ref 0x02: wifi status 3 WIFI configured but not connected to the router
  • @ref 0x03: wifi status 4 WIFI Configured and connected to the router
  • @ref 0x04: wifi status 5 The router is connected and connected to the cloud
  • @ref 0x05: wifi status 6 The wifi device is in low power mode
  • @ref 0x06: wifi status 7 The wifi device is in smartconfig&AP mode
  • @return Null
  • @note MCU needs to implement this function by itself
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