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Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jun 28日 05:29
by Pcoliver

I have a Moe's ZigBee over Matter Bridge (virtual id. eb678e74379aa738a9oumy). The bridge is connected to the Tuya app and SmartThings.

When the bridge loses power all the connected devices in SmartThings disappear from SmartThings breaking my automations.

If I reboot the my SmartThings hub the devices reappear with New names and I have to rebuild my automations making the gateway useless.

The firmware is V1.9.2 & V3.4.0

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jun 28日 18:32
by huangxh
Pcoliver 2024年 Jun 28日 05:29

I have a Moe's ZigBee over Matter Bridge (virtual id. eb678e74379aa738a9oumy). The bridge is connected to the Tuya app and SmartThings.

When the bridge loses power all the connected devices in SmartThings disappear from SmartThings breaking my automations.

If I reboot the my SmartThings hub the devices reappear with New names and I have to rebuild my automations making the gateway useless.

The firmware is V1.9.2 & V3.4.0

Hi ,pls update the gateway to new version(1.10.505), then test it.thank you.

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jun 28日 21:13
by Pcoliver

Thank you for your prompt action.

I have successfully updated the Bridge firmware as suggested. During the update I lost all the bridged devices in SmartThings. A SmartThings reboot brought the devices back with new names again breaking my automations.

I am not at the site where the Bridge is located, so I can not do any further testing at this time. The next time I am on site I will do more testing and report back.

Thanks again for your help.

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jun 28日 21:19
by huangxh
Pcoliver 2024年 Jun 28日 21:13

Thank you for your prompt action.

I have successfully updated the Bridge firmware as suggested. During the update I lost all the bridged devices in SmartThings. A SmartThings reboot brought the devices back with new names again breaking my automations.

I am not at the site where the Bridge is located, so I can not do any further testing at this time. The next time I am on site I will do more testing and report back.

Thanks again for your help.

Sorry, pls test the new version. if the issue still exist, pls tell me with the time. thanks

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jun 29日 00:16
by Pcoliver

This gateway is a at location that I am not currently at. Is there a way to remotely reboot this gateway, so I can start testing?

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jun 30日 12:21
by Pcoliver

The firmware update that you pushed seemed to fix the problem. I have done 3 Moes Matter Bridge reboots and have not lost any devices in SmartThings since that update.
Thanks again for your prompt help.

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jul 16日 03:46
by wmbauer


I've recently had the very same problem (Zemismart M1). Firmware is 1.10.4, 3.7.2.
How do I get 1.10.505? Hub says it's up to date.

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jul 16日 09:51
by huangxh
wmbauer 2024年 Jul 16日 03:46


I've recently had the very same problem (Zemismart M1). Firmware is 1.10.4, 3.7.2.
How do I get 1.10.505? Hub says it's up to date.

1.10.505 is the temporary version, we will launch the new version quickly.

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jul 16日 11:29
by Pcoliver

I posted at the top of this thread what my problem was and when I got up the next morning I had a reply. It said to update the firmware. I said to my self how I am going to go that. So I opened the Tuya app, went to the Bridge, then the settings page and there was a note that said the firmware needed a manual update and there was an active update button. That button was not there the night before. I used the button and the update solved the problem.

If I were you I would start a new thread with your problem and see if they respond.

Re: Loss all devices when matter bridge loses power

Posted: 2024年 Jul 16日 15:08
by wmbauer

Thank you. The post aboce yours explained it, the new firmware will roll out soon.