Need Help with Unlocking Smart Lock Device via BLE in iOS App
Hi everyone,
I have a smart lock device with the device ID d7446bvfiszjytea. I’m trying to add functionality in my iOS app to connect and unlock this device. Below is my current implementation:
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class ConnectionManager: NSObject, ThingSmartBLEManagerDelegate {
var siteID = Int64()
func start() {
if !ThingSmartUser.sharedInstance().isLogin {
ThingSmartUser.sharedInstance().registerAnonymous(withCountryCode: "+91",
userName: "guest",
success: {
} else {
func createSite(siteName: String, geoName: String, rooms: [String], latitude: Double, longitude: Double, completion: @escaping (Int64?) -> Void) {
ThingSmartHomeManager().addHome(withName: siteName, geoName: geoName, rooms: rooms, latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, success: { siteId in
print("Site created successfully with ID: \(siteId)")
completion(siteId as? Int64)
}, failure: {
print("Failed to create site: \($0)")
func loginAndFetchSiteDetails() {
let siteName = "MySite"
let geoName = "MyGeo"
let rooms = ["Living Room", "Bedroom"]
let latitude = 37.7749
let longitude = -122.4194
createSite(siteName: siteName, geoName: geoName, rooms: rooms, latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude) { siteId in
if let siteId = siteId {
self.siteID = siteId
func didDiscoveryDevice(withDeviceInfo deviceInfo: ThingBLEAdvModel) {
siteId: Int64(siteID),
success: {
print("Device activated: \($0)")
// Attempt to unlock the device
let lockDevice = ThingLockDevice.shared()
lockDevice.unLock(withSiteId: self.siteID, deviceId: "d7446bvfiszjytea", success: {
print("Unlock successful")
}, failure: {
print("Unlock failed: \($0)")
// Alternative method
let ble = ThingSmartBLELockDevice(deviceId: "d7446bvfiszjytea")
print("BLE connected: \(ble?.isBLEConnected() ?? false)")
ble?.addMember(withUserName: ThingSmartUser.sharedInstance().userName,
allowUnlock: true,
timeType: .permanent,
effectiveDate: .now,
invalidDate: Date() + 10000,
success: {
print("Member added: \($0)")
ble?.bleUnlock("guest-171839258741392446433", success: {
print("BLE unlock successful")
}, failure: {
print("BLE unlock failed: \($0)")
}, failure: {
print("Failed to add member: \($0)")
ble?.bleUnlock("guest-171839258741392446433", success: {
print("BLE unlock successful")
}, failure: {
print("BLE unlock failed: \($0)")
}, failure: {
print("Device activation failed: \($0)")
I am able to successfully connect and activate the device, but I am having trouble with unlocking it. I’ve tried two methods to unlock the device, but both of them are failing.
Method 1:
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let lockDevice = ThingLockDevice.shared()
lockDevice.unLock(withSiteId: self.siteID, deviceId: "d7446bvfiszjytea", success: {
print("Unlock successful")
}, failure: {
print("Unlock failed: \($0)")
Method 2:
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let ble = ThingSmartBLELockDevice(deviceId: "d7446bvfiszjytea")
ble?.addMember(withUserName: ThingSmartUser.sharedInstance().userName,
allowUnlock: true,
timeType: .permanent,
effectiveDate: .now,
invalidDate: Date() + 10000,
success: {
print("Member added: \($0)")
ble?.bleUnlock("guest-171839258741392446433", success: {
print("BLE unlock successful")
}, failure: {
print("BLE unlock failed: \($0)")
}, failure: {
print("Failed to add member: \($0)")
ble?.bleUnlock("guest-171839258741392446433", success: {
print("BLE unlock successful")
}, failure: {
print("BLE unlock failed: \($0)")
Both methods return different errors:
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• Method 1: API or API version error
• Method 2: product dp define error, can't find ble_unlock_check、bluetooth_unlock code
Can anyone guide me on how to properly unlock the device? Any help would be greatly appreciated.