in file tal_bluetooth_def.h
the following macro is defined
#define TUYAOS_BLE_DEFAULT_SCAN_PARAM ((TAL_BLE_SCAN_PARAMS_T *) (&(TAL_BLE_SCAN_PARAMS_T) DEFAULT_SCAN_PARAMS(10, 10))) changing the default scan parameters here affects the rate at which data is received .
with the default parameters the device and the mesh group missed commands from the app and remote even if the commands were sent once every second . the commands would be received at a slow rate causing incorrect operation .
With the scan parameters set to DEFAULT_SCAN_PARAMS(10, 10))) the following changed were observed
1) The rate at which commands were received by the device increased . confirmed the same using serial output logs .
2) Reduced the loss of commands received from the app and remote switch under normal working no fast commands sent . fast sending of commands used only for checking recurrence of issue .
3) Reduced the delay between commands received from app / remote switch and processed by the sdk .
4) Reduced instances of command losses in the mesh group .
5) Reduced occurrences of mesh proxy failure error message .
Currently facing the following issues
1) Even after the above changes the mesh group still losses commands sent from the proxy device / switch /gateway the instances of the same have reduced .
2) All devices in the mesh group do not receive commands at the same time a brief delay is observed . This causes devices in the mesh to function out of sync . example : led drivers in mesh group . the brightness change command is not received by the devices at the same time causing devices in the mesh to be at different levels of brightness .
How can we sync all devices in mesh to receive and execute data at the same time in sync .
How can we reduce the instances of command lost in the mesh .
3) Only the proxy device reacts to the commands sent from app commands are not forwarded to the mesh group .