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Does Tuya Hotel Demo Automation is Error?

Posted: 2023年 Dec 18日 12:49
by Blazerstrom

hello, i want to ask, is the tuya hotel automation is error? because i have build automation in tuya hotel, but the automation is not working... but the scene is working, anyone know how to debug the automation in tuya hotel?

Re: Does Tuya Hotel Demo Automation is Error?

Posted: 2023年 Dec 18日 15:07
by JamesG

Can you describe it in more detail? What kind of Tuya hotel automation have you built?

Re: Does Tuya Hotel Demo Automation is Error?

Posted: 2023年 Dec 19日 15:24
by Blazerstrom

just a simple automation :
when the first wallswitch of wallswitch gang 3 is on,
then turn on the lamp device

Re: Does Tuya Hotel Demo Automation is Error?

Posted: 2023年 Dec 19日 16:33
by JamesG

Can you provide your account, the ID of the automated device, and the name of the automation configuration? With this information, we can analyze the problem.

You can send it to me through a private message. Thank you.