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Tuya Smart sensor not responding to read_attr_cmd_req

Posted: 2023年 Oct 21日 11:28
by v-r-i


I am developing on a Tuya Zigbee Mini Temperature / Humidity Sensor. Together with ESP32.


It reports Temperature every 5 minutes.

However, I want to read Temperature / Humidity more often.

So from my client device, I am requesting to read attributes with read_attr_cmd_req.

But the sensor does not reply.

My question:
Is it possible to query this sensor to get more frequent readings? Or can it only do 5 minutes interval?

Thank you in advance,

Re: Tuya Smart sensor not responding to read_attr_cmd_req

Posted: 2023年 Oct 26日 14:25
by 心_远

Can you please provide the manufacturer's name information for this product? It is located in the 'ManufacturerName' attribute under the Basic cluster. This way, I will be able to access more information about this product.