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Posts: 34


  • 平台psm配置相关

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       * @brief Set config about the paltform
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: fail
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_plat_config(VOID)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Regist the PSM sleep notify cb
       * @param cb notify callback function
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: fail
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_sleep_notify_reg(TKL_NB_PSM_NOTIFY_CB_T cb)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Specify a pin for wakeup trigger
       * @param pin_num  @ref TKL_GPIO_NAME_E
       * @param wakeup_cb call back funtion
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: failed
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_wakeup_pin_cfg(INT_T pin_num, TKL_NB_WAKEUP_CB wakeup_cb)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


  • 睡眠锁操作

    • Code: Select all

       * @brief Create a psm manager lock
       * @param lock_name name of the lock
       * @param handle sleeplock handle
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: fail
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_create_sleeplock(CONST PCHAR_T lock_name, UCHAR_T *handle)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Acquire the sleeplock, keep awake
       * @param handle sleeplock handle
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: fail
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_acquire_sleeplock(UCHAR_T handle)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Release the sleeplock, allow psm
       * @param handle sleeplock handle
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: fail
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_release_sleeplock(UCHAR_T handle)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


  • 睡眠操作相关

    • Code: Select all

       * @brief Force enter psm mode
       * @return VOID
      VOID tkl_nbiot_psm_force_sleep(VOID)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return ;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Get the power on reason
       * @param result powerson reason
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: fail
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_get_poweron_result(TKL_NB_POWER_ON_RESULT_E *result)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Get the wake up reason
       * @param src wakeup reason reason
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: fail
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_get_wakeup_source(TKL_NB_WAKEUP_SOURCE_E *src)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


  • 睡眠定时器相关操作

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       * @brief Create rtc timer
       * @param time_period_sec time period of the timer
       * @param is_periodic if the timer is perodic
       * @param cb timer callback
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: failed
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_rtc_timer_create(UINT_T time_period_sec, BOOL_T is_periodic,TKL_NB_SLP_TIMER_CB_T cb)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Start a rtc timer
       * @param null
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: failed
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_rtc_timer_start(VOID)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Stop rtc timer
       * @param null
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: failed
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_rtc_timer_stop(VOID)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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       * @brief Del rtc timer
       * @param null
       * @return OPERATE_RET OPRT_OK: success others: failed
      OPERATE_RET tkl_nbiot_psm_rtc_timer_delete(VOID)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return OPRT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // --- END: user implements ---


  • 其他

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       * @brief Check the usb is active
       * @return BOOL_T true: active false: not active
      BOOL_T tkl_nbiot_psm_usb_is_active(VOID)
          // --- BEGIN: user implements ---
          return false;
          // --- END: user implements ---


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