CBU 文件系统保存的内容重新上电就读不到了

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Posts: 118

按照uf_file例程修改了程序,想要在test.txt文件中追加内容,结果追加不上(多次运行例程应该会有多个hello Tuya,但是结果没有),复制了一份测试例程放到main线程中用于测试上电读取test.txt文件内容结果发现保存的数据读取不到。

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***********************function define**********************
* @brief base db task
* @param[in] param:Task parameters
* @return none
VOID example_uf_file(INT_T argc, CHAR_T *argv[])
    OPERATE_RET op_ret = OPRT_OK;
    UCHAR_T * fd = NULL;
    UCHAR_T write_buff[] = {"Hello tuya"};
    UCHAR_T *read_buff = NULL;
    static INT_T write_num = 0;
    INT_T read_num = 0;
    BOOL_T temp = TRUE;

    TAL_PR_NOTICE("------ uf file example start ------");

    /*open file, read and write mode*/
    fd = ufopen("test.txt", "w+");
    if(NULL == fd) {
        TAL_PR_ERR("file open fail");
    } else {
        TAL_PR_DEBUG("fd : %d", *fd);

    /*change offset*/
    ufseek(fd, 0, UF_SEEK_END);
    write_num += ufwrite(fd, write_buff, strlen((const char *)write_buff));
    TAL_PR_DEBUG("write number : %d", write_num);

    /*check if the current offset reach the end of the file*/
    temp = ufeof(fd);
    if(temp) {
        TAL_PR_DEBUG("offset is at the end");
    } else {
        TAL_PR_DEBUG("offset is not at the end");

    /*change offset*/
    ufseek(fd, 0, UF_SEEK_SET);

    /*get current offset of the unique file*/
    op_ret = uftell(fd);
    TAL_PR_DEBUG("current offset : %d", op_ret);

    /*get the size of the unique file*/
    op_ret = ufgetsize("test.txt");
    TAL_PR_DEBUG("file size: %d", op_ret);

    read_buff = (UCHAR_T *)tal_malloc(sizeof(CHAR_T)*write_num + 1);	
    if(NULL == read_buff) {
        TAL_PR_ERR("read buff malloc fail!");
    read_num = ufread(fd, read_buff, write_num);
    TAL_PR_DEBUG("reads num: %d, read buff: %s", read_num, read_buff);

    op_ret = ufclose(fd);
    if(OPRT_OK != op_ret) {
        TAL_PR_ERR("err<%d>, close fail!", op_ret);

    /*delete file*/
    // op_ret = ufdelete("test.txt");
    // if(OPRT_OK != op_ret) {
    //     TAL_PR_ERR("err<%d>,delete file fail!", op_ret);
    // }

VOID read_example_uf_file(void)
    OPERATE_RET op_ret = OPRT_OK;
    UCHAR_T * fd = NULL;
    UCHAR_T write_buff[] = {"Hello tuya"};
    UCHAR_T *read_buff = NULL;
    INT_T write_num = 50;
    INT_T read_num = 0;
    BOOL_T temp = TRUE;

    TAL_PR_NOTICE("------ uf file example start ------");

    /*open file, read and write mode*/
    fd = ufopen("test.txt", "r");
    if(NULL == fd) {
        TAL_PR_ERR("file open fail");
    } else {
        TAL_PR_DEBUG("fd : %d", *fd);

    // write_num = ufwrite(fd, write_buff, strlen((const char *)write_buff));
    // TAL_PR_DEBUG("write number : %d", write_num);

    /*check if the current offset reach the end of the file*/
    temp = ufeof(fd);
    if(temp) {
        TAL_PR_DEBUG("offset is at the end");
    } else {
        TAL_PR_DEBUG("offset is not at the end");

    /*change offset*/
    ufseek(fd, 0, UF_SEEK_SET);

    /*get current offset of the unique file*/
    op_ret = uftell(fd);
    TAL_PR_DEBUG("current offset : %d", op_ret);

    /*get the size of the unique file*/
    op_ret = ufgetsize("test.txt");
    TAL_PR_DEBUG("file size: %d", op_ret);

    read_buff = (UCHAR_T *)tal_malloc(sizeof(CHAR_T)*write_num + 1);	
    if(NULL == read_buff) {
        TAL_PR_ERR("read buff malloc fail!");
    read_num = ufread(fd, read_buff, write_num);
    TAL_PR_DEBUG("reads num: %d, read buff: %s", read_num, read_buff);

    op_ret = ufclose(fd);
    if(OPRT_OK != op_ret) {
        TAL_PR_ERR("err<%d>, close fail!", op_ret);

    /*delete file*/
    op_ret = ufdelete("test.txt");
    if(OPRT_OK != op_ret) {
        TAL_PR_ERR("err<%d>,delete file fail!", op_ret);


Posts: 206

Re: CBU 文件系统保存的内容重新上电就读不到了

追加内容要用 a+ ,不能用 w+,w+ 会把内容清掉。https://www.cnblogs.com/kangjianwei101/p/5220021.html

读取文件的函数中请先不要调用 ufdelete() 避免读完之后就把文件删除掉

Posts: 118

Re: CBU 文件系统保存的内容重新上电就读不到了


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