Introduction to Central Control Scene in TuyaOS

Gateway equipment, voice control devices, etc.

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Posts: 112

Basic Introduction
The Scene of Tuya APP are divided into automation and tap-to-run. The scene control managed by the central control is a tap-to-run in the home under the Tuya APP. After the creation of tap-to-run is completed on the App side, the central control end will synchronize all tap-to-run of the APP and support the synchronization of the control and status of tap-to-run.
Based on your living habits, you can create tap-to-run such as going home and leaving home, which can make it more convenient to control the devices at home. Central Control will only manage tap-to-run in the APP and will not handle automation.


How to use
Based on the TuyaOS central control SDK, you can obtain the tap-to-run list using the interface tuya_scene_info_list_get. And trigger tap-to-run control through tuya_scene_triggle.

Central Control's tap-to-run has two processes: local execution and cloud execution.
Local execution requirements:

  1. Actions executed with one click can be taken over locally
  2. All devices involved in tap-to-run are online on the LAN

Cloud execution:
tap-to-run that cannot meet local execution requirements will be sent to the cloud for execution.

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