
Wi-Fi 设备、Wi-Fi 低功耗设备、Wi-Fi BLE 双模设备、Ethernet设备、Ethernet+Wi-Fi设备等
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Posts: 138

xr806 ota的时候日志这个报错

[12:25:15.831]收←◆mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tuya_devos_health.c:70] feed watchdog
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[26].mcu_lp_type:60000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:9000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:60000, g_cpu_sleep:60000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][mqc_app.c:336] Rev MQTT:{"t":1699676716,"protocol":22,"data":{"reqType":"sigQry"}}
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tuya_devos_mqc.c:122] Rev sigQry Req
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tuya_wifi_link.c:663] Get Rssi:-41
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tuya_devos_utils.c:634] Get Rssi:-41
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][mqc_app.c:691] Send MQTT Msg.P:23 N:5305 Q:0 Data:{"reqType":"sigQry","data":{"signal":-41}}
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:368] lpmgr_register start,type = 10
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:377] register cnt: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[10].mcu_lp_type:3500
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:60000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:3500, g_cpu_sleep:3500
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:398] lpmgr_register end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:283] lpmgr_unregister start,type = 10
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:298] cnt = 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[26].mcu_lp_type:60000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:3500
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:60000, g_cpu_sleep:60000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:316] lpmgr_unregister end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:16 ty E][user.c:1545] user_event enter thread heartbeat_interval=120
[11-11 12:25:16 ty E][user.c:2181] device_time=148
[11-11 12:25:16 ty E][user.c:2219] next_wake_up_time=44
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:459] type:26, sleep_time_s:44
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:409] lpmgr_set_lp_info_map start

[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:44000, g_cpu_sleep:44000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:431] Set lp_info_map type:26 mcu_lp_type:44000 dtim:10 timeout_range:4294967

[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:434] lpmgr_set_lp_info_map end

[11-11 12:25:16 ty E][user.c:1721] local_time=1699676716 hour=12 min=25
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:44000,ntk:148341,etk:148339,to:43998,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby

[12:25:16.242]收←◆mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][mqc_app.c:336] Rev MQTT:{"data":{"firmwareType":0,"ctId":"9528fa07bbe8f1af6032f3b91d77f18a"},"protocol":15,"s":1982466,"t":1699676716}
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tuya_svc_upgrade.c:954] Rev Upgrade Cmd
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tuya_devos_utils.c:318] set gw ext_stat:3
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][iot_httpc.c:963] Post Data: {"type":0,"t":1699676716}
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][iot_httpc.c:975] Post URL: https://a3.tuyacn.com/d.json?a=tuya.dev ... 6e198c9924
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][httpc.c:620] Connect: a3.tuyacn.com Port: 443 -->>
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][uni_network.c:229] unw_gethostbyname a3.tuyacn.com, prio 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][uni_network.c:245] use dynamic dns ip: for domain:a3.tuyacn.com
tkl_net_socket_create type(0), fd(1)!
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tcp_transporter.c:79] bind ip:c0a8321f port:0 ok
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:368] lpmgr_register start,type = 12
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:377] register cnt: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[12].mcu_lp_type:3000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:60000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:3000, g_cpu_sleep:3000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:398] lpmgr_register end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:283] lpmgr_unregister start,type = 12
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:298] cnt = 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[26].mcu_lp_type:44000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:3000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:44000, g_cpu_sleep:44000
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:316] lpmgr_unregister end
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:368] lpmgr_register start,type = 4
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:377] register cnt: 1
[11-11 12:25:16 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:16 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[4].mcu_lp_type:3500
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:44000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:3500, g_cpu_sleep:3500
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:193] lp_info_map[4].dtim:3
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:3, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 0, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:96] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:1
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:0, dtim:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_wifi.c:696] <tal_wifi_lp_dis> disable_cnt:1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_wifi.c:673] <tal_wifi_lpen> disable_cnt:0
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:1, dtim:3
[wifi_adapter]: wifi_set_pm_dtim:3, immediate:1
$ $ $ [11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:69] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:0
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 1, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:398] lpmgr_register end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:945] MAX SECURITY_LEVEL:1, TUYA SECURITY_LEVEL:0, mode:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:954] TUYA_TLS Begin Connect a3.tuyacn.com:443
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:976] TUYA_TLS PSK Mode
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1036] socket fd is set. set to inner send/recv to handshake
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:3500,ntk:148839,etk:148839,to:3500,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby
mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 0

[12:25:16.750]收←◆PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:3500,ntk:148889,etk:148889,to:3500,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby
ERR xradio_wow_suspend stay_awake, left tmo: 16 ms
ERR xradio_wow_suspend faild
[ERR] xradio suspend failed!
[ERR] Some devices failed to suspend
mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 131072
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1098] handshake finish for a3.tuyacn.com. set send/recv to user set
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1104] TUYA_TLS Success Connect a3.tuyacn.com:443 Suit:TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:283] lpmgr_unregister start,type = 4
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:298] cnt = 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[26].mcu_lp_type:44000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:3500
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:44000, g_cpu_sleep:44000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:3
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 0, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:96] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:1
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:0, dtim:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_wifi.c:696] <tal_wifi_lp_dis> disable_cnt:1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_wifi.c:673] <tal_wifi_lpen> disable_cnt:0
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:1, dtim:10
[wifi_adapter]: wifi_set_pm_dtim:10, immediate:1
$ $ $ [11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:69] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:0
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 1, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:316] lpmgr_unregister end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][httpc.c:626] Connect: a3.tuyacn.com Port: 443 --<< ,r:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:44000,ntk:149089,etk:149089,to:44000,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby
ERR xradio_wow_suspend stay_awake, left tmo: 20 ms
ERR xradio_wow_suspend faild
[ERR] xradio suspend failed!
[ERR] Some devices failed to suspend
mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 131072

[12:25:17.000]收←◆PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:44000,ntk:149139,etk:149139,to:44000,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby

[12:25:17.058]收←◆mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][iot_httpc.c:612] Decode Rev:{"result":{"pskUrl":"https://fireware-ttls.tuyacn.com:2443/s ... cess":true}
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tls_transporter.c:103] tls transporter close socket fd:1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tcp_transporter.c:177] tcp transporter close socket fd:1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tls_transporter.c:111] tls transporter close tls handler:0x2377a8
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1180] TUYA_TLS Disconnect ENTER
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1205] TUYA_TLS Disconnect Success
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_tls.c:907] tuya_tls_connect_destroy.
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_svc_upgrade.c:525] hmac:E862EA33762A3CD888E150A4671DDA1257AC24DC733447F3576CC544A7D8CD69, md5:75faed22c11e3a8d9eda3c811ca0b648, ver:1.0.1,url:https://fireware-ttls.tuyacn.com:2443/s ... v_id:,tp:0, diff:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_devos_utils.c:318] set gw ext_stat:3
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_svc_upgrade.c:394] pre dev ug, tp:0, url:https://fireware-ttls.tuyacn.com:2443/s ... c6bf94.bin, hmac:E862EA33762A3CD888E150A4671DDA1257AC24DC733447F3576CC544A7D8CD69, ver:1.0.1, file_size:1214296, diff:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty E][tuya_svc_upgrade.c:405] size error锛?flash 4294967295, file 1214296, diff_ota 0, ota type 2
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tuya_devos_utils.c:318] set gw ext_stat:2
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][iot_httpc.c:963] Post Data: {"upgradeStatus":4,"type":0,"t":1699676717}
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][iot_httpc.c:975] Post URL: https://a3.tuyacn.com/d.json?a=tuya.dev ... bfbaefe0e7
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][httpc.c:620] Connect: a3.tuyacn.com Port: 443 -->>
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][uni_network.c:229] unw_gethostbyname a3.tuyacn.com, prio 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][uni_network.c:245] use dynamic dns ip: for domain:a3.tuyacn.com
tkl_net_socket_create type(0), fd(1)!
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tcp_transporter.c:79] bind ip:c0a8321f port:0 ok
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:368] lpmgr_register start,type = 12
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:377] register cnt: 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[12].mcu_lp_type:3000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:44000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:3000, g_cpu_sleep:3000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:398] lpmgr_register end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:17 ty E][user.c:1545] user_event enter thread heartbeat_interval=120
[11-11 12:25:17 ty E][user.c:2181] device_time=149
[11-11 12:25:17 ty E][user.c:2219] next_wake_up_time=43
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:459] type:26, sleep_time_s:43
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:283] lpmgr_unregister start,type = 12
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:298] cnt = 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[26].mcu_lp_type:44000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:3000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:44000, g_cpu_sleep:44000
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:316] lpmgr_unregister end
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:368] lpmgr_register start,type = 4
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:377] register cnt: 1
[11-11 12:25:17 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:17 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[4].mcu_lp_type:3500
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:44000
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:3500, g_cpu_sleep:3500
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:18 ty I][lpmgr.c:193] lp_info_map[4].dtim:3
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:3, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:10
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 0, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:96] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:1
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:0, dtim:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_wifi.c:696] <tal_wifi_lp_dis> disable_cnt:1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_wifi.c:673] <tal_wifi_lpen> disable_cnt:0
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:1, dtim:3
[wifi_adapter]: wifi_set_pm_dtim:3, immediate:1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty$ $ $ D][lpmgr.c:409] lpmgr_set_lp_info_map start

[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:69] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:0
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 1, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:398] lpmgr_register end
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:945] MAX SECURITY_LEVEL:1, TUYA SECURITY_LEVEL:0, mode:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:954] TUYA_TLS Begin Connect a3.tuyacn.com:443
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:976] TUYA_TLS PSK Mode
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1036] socket fd is set. set to inner send/recv to handshake
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:43000, g_cpu_sleep:43000
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:431] Set lp_info_map type:26 mcu_lp_type:43000 dtim:10 timeout_range:4294967

[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:434] lpmgr_set_lp_info_map end

[11-11 12:25:18 ty E][user.c:1721] local_time=1699676718 hour=12 min=25
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:43000,ntk:149898,etk:149898,to:43000,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby
ERR xradio_wow_suspend stay_awake, left tmo: 19 ms
ERR xradio_wow_suspend faild
[ERR] xradio suspend failed!
[ERR] Some devices failed to suspend
mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 131072
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1098] handshake finish for a3.tuyacn.com. set send/recv to user set
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1104] TUYA_TLS Success Connect a3.tuyacn.com:443 Suit:TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256
[11-11 12:25:18 ty I][lpmgr.c:283] lpmgr_unregister start,type = 4
[11-11 12:25:18 ty I][lpmgr.c:298] cnt = 1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:139] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type start
[11-11 12:25:18 ty I][lpmgr.c:145] lp_info_map[26].mcu_lp_type:43000
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:151] enforce:0, mcu_lp_type:3500
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:43000, g_cpu_sleep:43000
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:146] tal_cpu_release_wakelock:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:155] tal_wakelock:0x0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:173] lpmgr_set_mcu_power_type end
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:187] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim start
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:199] enforce:0, min_dtim:10, defmin_dtim:10, dtim:3
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 0, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:96] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:1
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:0, dtim:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_wifi.c:696] <tal_wifi_lp_dis> disable_cnt:1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_wifi.c:673] <tal_wifi_lpen> disable_cnt:0
tkl_wifi_set_lp_mode enable:1, dtim:10
[wifi_adapter]: wifi_set_pm_dtim:10, immediate:1
$ $ $ [11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tal_sleep.c:69] <tal_cpu_lp> disable_cnt:0
tkl_cpu_sleep_mode_set: en = 1, mode = 0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:224] lpmgr_set_wifi_dtim end
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][netmgr.c:137] timer_need_refresh: 1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][lpmgr.c:316] lpmgr_unregister end
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][httpc.c:626] Connect: a3.tuyacn.com Port: 443 --<< ,r:0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][netmgr.c:122] queue post trigger timer refresh
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:43000,ntk:150093,etk:150093,to:43000,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby
mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 131072

[12:25:18.017]收←◆PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:43000,ntk:150147,etk:150147,to:43000,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby

[12:25:18.149]收←◆mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 0
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][iot_httpc.c:612] Decode Rev:{"t":1699676718,"success":true}
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tls_transporter.c:103] tls transporter close socket fd:1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tcp_transporter.c:177] tcp transporter close socket fd:1
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tls_transporter.c:111] tls transporter close tls handler:0x2377a8
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1180] TUYA_TLS Disconnect ENTER
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:1205] TUYA_TLS Disconnect Success
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_tls.c:907] tuya_tls_connect_destroy.
[11-11 12:25:18 ty D][tuya_svc_upgrade.c:542] pre gw ug is set:1
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:43000,ntk:150347,etk:150347,to:43000,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby

[12:25:18.428]收←◆mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 0
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:43000,ntk:150571,etk:150571,to:43000,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby

[12:25:19.004]收←◆mask:0x0, GetEvent:0x20000
pm ret = 0
[11-11 12:25:19 ty E][user.c:1545] user_event enter thread heartbeat_interval=120
[11-11 12:25:19 ty E][user.c:2181] device_time=151
[11-11 12:25:19 ty E][user.c:2219] next_wake_up_time=41
[11-11 12:25:19 ty D][lpmgr.c:459] type:26, sleep_time_s:41
[11-11 12:25:19 ty D][lpmgr.c:409] lpmgr_set_lp_info_map start

[11-11 12:25:19 ty D][lpmgr.c:632] state0:1, state1:0, conn_fail_tim0:0, conn_fail_tim1:0
[11-11 12:25:19 ty I][lpmgr.c:645] time:41000, g_cpu_sleep:41000
[11-11 12:25:19 ty D][lpmgr.c:431] Set lp_info_map type:26 mcu_lp_type:41000 dtim:10 timeout_range:4294967

[11-11 12:25:19 ty D][lpmgr.c:434] lpmgr_set_lp_info_map end

[11-11 12:25:19 ty E][user.c:1721] local_time=1699676719 hour=12 min=25
PMA: aux pm task get sem
PMA: et:41000,ntk:151181,etk:151179,to:40998,val:0,mask:0,iser:0
PMA: appos enter mode: standby

然后app上显示升级失败 可能是由于信号太弱

Posts: 39

Re: 【求助】xr806无法进行ota

Hi, leslieli


  1. 上传差分固件,带STU后缀的那个。
  2. 差分管理做差分包 。


Post Reply