Hi there
I have a big house and so, on every Floor (4 Floors), i do have a Hub to spread the workload and minimize the risk of a broken device.
All of them are connected via ethernet-cable.
One of them (Zemismart M1) is often unresponsive or automations are executed delayed (up to 20-30 seconds), it's also the one with the most added devices (actually 97 Devices paired).
Is that a Problem? It's supposed to support 128...
Device ID is: bf97b72b965d13505ah2i7
Mostly, rebooting the hub solves the problems for 1 or 2 days, but i guess that should not be normal to reboot that often...
I do have a spare Unit here and was thinking about using the "replace s damaged gateway"-function, but this would cause a lot of after-work for me in HomeKit and Home Assistant i guess, so i was hoping that maybe you can see the reason or have a fix?
Thanks in advance!
All the best from Switzerland