[Home Management] API for add multiple rooms and homes

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Posts: 1

Hi Tuya team,

I'm currently developing our website using the add home and add room APIs in home management, but these APIs only allow creating one home or room at a time.

What I need is the ability to create multiple homes or rooms. Is there any API or documentation that allows me to create multiple homes or rooms?

If there are no APIs that allow for creating multiple homes or rooms, what is the maximum rate limit for the add home and add room APIs (requests per second)?

Please let me know the answer or any possible solutions.

Thank you so much!

Posts: 6

Re: [Home Management] API for add multiple rooms and homes

Really interesting perspective on the whole agency vs. designer debate! I’ve worked with both, and I completely agree—if you need a full-scale project with branding, UX, and dev work, an agency is the way to go. But for smaller projects or businesses on a tight budget, a website designing freelance can be a great option. The article does a great job of outlining the pros and cons without being biased. I’ll be bookmarking this for when clients ask for advice on this topic!

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