Login error with tuya-iot-python-sdk.

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Posts: 1

I have a working IOT device and IOS Application. I am trying to monitor the device with a desktop application using the tuya-iot-python-sdk. However, the login process fails. The Powershell dialog looks like this,

  • Restarting with stat
    [2024-12-12 14:23:32,546] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = POST, url = https://openapi.tuyacn.com/v1.0/iot-03/users/login, params = None, body = {'username': 'guy@uncutaudio.com', 'password': '***'}, t = 1734042212545
    [2024-12-12 14:23:33,898] [tuya-openapi] Response: {
    "code": 2401,
    "msg": "username or password wrong",
    "success": false,
    "t": 1734042213847,
    "tid": "b94652c9b8d711efb0707e704dfde674"

The credentials work fine for logging in to my Developer Account.
Any ideas?

Posts: 1

Re: Login error with tuya-iot-python-sdk.

I have same problem and trying to resolve, but i did see nothing. Can help me ?

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