Using Tuya in ESP8266 directly without UART

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Posts: 2


I'm using esp8266 wifi module with Arduino IDE and Tuya_Wifi_MCU_SDK library. The only function I find in this library is

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which is for connecting to esp8266 from another microcontroller using UART connection.
However I want an all-in-one solution in my wifi module alone, without using another separate microcontroller.

Should I use another library or can I achieve it using the same library? Can you help me with that?

Posts: 1

Re: Using Tuya in ESP8266 directly without UART


Same problem... Did you find a solution?

Posts: 2

Re: Using Tuya in ESP8266 directly without UART

No, I stopped using Tuya and made a direct connection to Alexa and other endpoints.

Posts: 65

Re: Using Tuya in ESP8266 directly without UART

The ESP8266 chip is too old and out of EOL. Please change your chip to the series of ESPCx or ESP-SX, we have some open source projects to meet your requirement of development. As mentioned below:
Arduino for tuyaopen:
Luanode for tuyaopen:

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