I just locked and then unlocked the device using the Tuya app. Tried locking from Home Assistant with no success.
I then locked from the Tuya pp, and tried unlocking from HA and it worked!
However, locking from HA is still not working.
This is the case for both deadbolts.
I operated some more from the Tuya app and left in the unlocked state, and I could lock from HA, but not then unlock it again from HA.
It seems that:
If I lock from Tuya app, then I can unlock from HA - but I then can't lock again from HA
If I unlock from Tuya app, then I can lock from HA - but I then can't unlock again from HA
Seems the instruction from HA only works the first time following a Tuya app command. It won't work for a subsequent lock or unlock unless it has ben controlled by the Tuya app in the interim.
- EDIT * after further investigation, it seems I can only unlock the doors via HA, not lock them.